A postdoc position is available at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens France) – Groupe de Recherche sur l’Alcool et les Pharmacodépendances (GRAP, INSERM UMR 1247 – https://grap.u-picardie.fr/). Our laboratory uses animal models of binge drinking and alcohol addiction to define molecular mechanisms underlying psychobiological risks in alcohol use disorder.
We are looking for an enthusiastic and ambitious candidate to work on a funded project (IReSP-INCa – Fund for fighting against addictions) aiming at deciphering the effect of Psilocybin on the decrease in alcohol consumption. We are going to combine a variety of state-of-the-art techniques, including behavioral pharmacology, in vivo fast scan voltammetry, dopamine imaging, genetic silencing of specific genes and brain imaging. The position is available for a 2 years period. The present project is a collaborative work with Dr. Sébastien Carnicella’s research team located in the Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences (https://bit.ly/3eM714n).